Papyrus Collection Trier

Noteworthy pieces

The papyrus collection of the University of Trier was founded in 1982. Since then it was constantly extended and possesses 637 inventory numbers at present. It belongs to the university library and is supervised by the head papyrologist of the university. The collection holds papyri in ancient Greek, Coptic, Hieratic and Demotic languages, two parchment fragments with Latin writing and two ostraca from nine centuries (3rd century BC to 6th century AD). Some papyri can be joined virtually with objects from Athens, Bruxelles, Heidelberg and Cologne.

Description of the collection

1. The Archive of Nepheros (P.Neph.) , 4th century AD documents and letters from the Melitian Hathor-Monastery in the Heracleopolites. Nepheros, the addressee of most letters in Greek and Coptic, is head of this monastery. The archive provides new insights into early monastic life in Egypt.
2. The Boethos-Papyri . Documents of the well-known Ptolemaic functionary Boethos from the years 137-132 BC about the foundation of the town Euergetis, e.g. allocation of accommodation for soldiers and a pub for Tanupis, construction activity, application to a Greek gymnasium, collegium of royal cult of the reigning kings Ptolemaios VIII. Euergetis II., Cleopatra II. and Cleopatra III., construction of an Euergetes-sanctuary at Heracleopolis.
3. manumission document of a six-year-old slave-maid with banque-receipt and confirmation by a herold. This first and only complete manumission document that survived from Ptolemaic times was subject of a master thesis.

P.Nepheros = Das Archiv des Nepheros und verwandte Texte: Teil I, Papyri aus der Trierer und der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung, herausgegeben und kommentiert von Bärbel Kramer und John C. Shelton, mit zwei koptischen Beiträgen von Gerald M. Browne; Teil II, Verwandte Texte aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung, herausgegeben und kommentiert von Bärbel Kramer, Mainz 1987 (Aegyptiaca Treverensia 4).
Der ktistes Boethos und die Einrichtung einer neuen Stadt. Teil I: Bärbel Kramer, APF 43, 1997, 315-339. Teil II: Heinz Heinen, ibid. 340-363.
Nadine Quenouille, Eine Sklavenfreilassung aus der Ptolemäerzeit (P.UB Trier S 135-2 und 135-12). APF 48, 2002, 67-97.



  • Prof. Dr. Fabian Reiter



Universität Trier
FB III, Papyrologie
54286 Trier
Tel. (0651) 201-2503

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Papyrus Collection Trier
Catalogue of the Trier Papyri

The ktistes Boethos and the foundation of a new town